Friday 23 September 2011

Jennie Churchill a celebrated life.

The DVD on  TV series on Jennie Churchill.   The series  taken from a two part biography on Winston Churchill's Mother, Jennie Jerome.   The series is Jennie's life from when she was a young woman and her meeting with Lord Randolph Churchill.  Jennie an American, with an interesting family history, was a dark haired beauty of her day.  Jennie's Mother moved her daughter's of whom I think were three to Paris.  This is where Lord Randolph and Jennie meet.  The intense affair of Jennie and  Lord Randolph resulted in a pregnancy and a rushed marriage, and a love match of two intense personalities.
The famous story of Jennie, a restless person decided to ride out with her sister, Leone which resulted in Winston Churchill being born in the entry of Blenheim Palace.  I have actually been in the small room where Britain's greatest leader was born.  Blenheim Palace is today open to the public and you can see the Louis XIV furnitures and mural from the SunKing's Palace.  The grounds are a wonderful place to visit with fountains and a bridge over a man made lake.  The palace was given to his ancestor the Duke of Marlborough for his victories in Europe by Queen Anne.

Jennie Churchill was Lord Randolph's greatest supporter in his career as a politician and his attempt to be a Prime Minister.   A great speaker who's life ended young from a disease that left him with a form of dementia.   His son, Winston greatly admired his Father and went to Parliament to follow in his foot steps.

Jennie, had a long affair with a Russian,  Count Kinsky.  She then went on to marry a man the age of her sons, a guard's  officer .   The marriage lasted ten years until he went off to marry one of the great actress's of the day, Patsy Cornwallis-West.

Two of Jennie's greatest achievements were,  besides her support of Lord Randolph, to organize a woman's group and raise enough funds to send a hospital ship to South Africa during the Boer War.  Her other achievement was to start a magazine, 'The Anglo-Saxon', aimed at the American market.

Before her also untimely death, she married, Arthur Porch a businessman.  Her life happy with her two sons married, and a growing number of grandchildren, Jennie fell down a flight of stairs and broke an ankle.  She never recovered from the break and died of gangrene.

Winston Churchill,  disappointment of his Mother's loss was twofold as he had hoped for her see him become Prime Minister.  Jennie died in he early 1920's and Winston achieved his greatest post in 1940.

Of all the American woman, who married into the aristocracy of Britain, Jennie Jerome made the greatest contribution, by her support of her husband, Lord Randolph, and her son Winston.

In the series she is played by the American actor, Lee Remick,

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